Final Project Presentations

by necsys

Due: Monday, May 21
Presentations: 9am-12pm in room 493
Documentation: due by the end of the day

Your final project assignment has 3 pieces: the project itself, a short presentation about the project, and a post documenting the project. More information is below.

Prepare a short (10 minute) formal presentation to present to the class. It should include:

* A short survey of previous work in the area.
* A demonstration of the project in action (the core of your presentation)
* A short discussion of your construction process including challenges and learning experiences.
* A short discussion of what you would do to improve the project if you were to keep working on it.

Create a post that documents your project and add it to the Final Project category. Your page should include a description of your project, a pdf copy of your presentation slides, work-in-progress photos, photos of your final piece, and a video of your final piece. Documentation is due by the end of the day on Monday May 21.