by obm
The past two weeks, I spent a lot of time learning to operate a knitting machine. After many cast-on / cast-off failures, I finally managed to hone my skills. Through this weeks assignment, I worked on several different pieces. The first was provided as part of the assignment construction. I used the fine guage knitting machine to complete all of the assignments. I preferred that machine to the mid gauge as the knit was cleaner and tighter.
Below is my first piece, which I call and elf hat. It was made using the pattern outlined by the professor, and which is provided at the bottom of this post.
For my second piece, I looked to experiment with two color. As you all know I love stripes, so I made a simple piece that alternatives between purple and cream stripes. To replicate this design, you cast on 40 needles. Knit 15 rows in Purple. Carriage should be on left side. Switch the Purple Yarn for the Cream Yarn, and rest the Purple Yarn in the side rester. Knit 21 rows using cream yarn. Carriage should be on Right side. Switch to Purple Yarn and knit 25 rows. Carriage should be on Left side. Switch to Cream Yarn and knit 21 rows. Carriage should be on right side. Switch to purple year and knit 15 rows. Cast off.
After learning to use two color, I decided that I wanted to stick to one color, but use the yearn itself to make an elaborate design. I was inspired by the famous argyle prints that one sees on socks. I decided to try and replicate this pattern in the knitting itself. It was successful! See below:
This pattern required pre planning. I have provided a grid which shows the pattern. The ‘X’s require that the needle be held on that particular row, and subsequently put back into play in the next row.
Cast on 40 needles. knit 15 rows. Set russel levels to Position I. Put needles 10, 20, and 30 needle in hold position and knit a row. Then put those needles back in knit position and put needles 9,11, 19,21,29,31 on hold. Knit a row. Then put the previous needles in knit position and put the following needles 8,12,18,22,28,32 on hold. knit a row. Then put the previous needles in knit position and put the following needles 7,13,17,23,27,33 on hold. knit a row. Then put the previous needles back in knit position and put the following needles on hold 6,14,16,24,26,34. Knit a row. Then put the previous needles back in knit position and the following on hold 5,15,25,35. knit a row. Put the previous needles back in knit position and put the following on hold 6,14,16,24,26,34. Knit a row. Then put the previous needles in knit position and put the following needles 7,13,17,23,27,33 on hold. knit a row. Then put the previous needles in knit position and put the following needles 8,12,18,22,28,32 on hold. knit a row. Then put the previous needles back in knit position and put needles 9,11, 19,21,29,31 on hold. Knit a row. Then put the previous needles back in knit postion and put needles 10, 20, and 30 needle in hold position and knit a row. you can repeat this sequence as many times as you would like.
Elf Hat:
Cast on 20 needles. Knit 10 rows. Carriage should be on right side. Make sure carriage is in the proper mode (Russel levers should be in position I). Bring needle closest to carriage into hold position. Knit one row (carriage should be on left side). Bring needle closest to carriage into hold position. Knit one row (carriage should be on right side). Continue bringing one needle into hold position on the carriage side until you have 2 needles in knit position in the center of your pattern. Carriage should be on right side.
Begin taking needles out of hold position. Push the needle closest to the knitting on the opposite side of the carriage (the left side) into B (knit) position. Knit one row (carriage should be on right side). Push the needle closest to the knitting on the opposite side of the carriage (the right side) into B (knit) position. Knit one row (carriage should be on left side). Continue bringing one needle out of hold position opposite the carriage side until all needles are back in knit position. Knit 10 rows. Cast off.