New Textiles 2012

Lace-r Cut Lace

This week our assignment was to: “Write a program, or modify an existing program, to create a two dimensional pattern and use a laser cutter to turn it into a sheet of lace. You are also welcome to then incorporate the lace into a larger design.” My main objective was to try to familiarize myself […]

How to convert PDF to Vector file in Illustrator & AutoCad

Below is the procedure for converting your pdf file to a vector file in Illustrator: Open your pattern in illustrator Ctrl+A (Select All) — Right click — Release clippling mask Delete background (may have to do this twice) Default Fill and Stroke Select None for Fill Object — Ungroup (if grouped) Unclick/ deselect everything Select […]

Scaled, Rotated, Translated

I made a tank top with laser cut iron-on lace. The same pattern, created computationally from a Voronoi diagram generator, was laser cut out of iron-on adhesive backed fabric three times in different sizes and ironed on the front of the shirt in different rotation positions.


A Bracelet Inspired by Lace = Lacelet. This week, I had the fortune of learning many new things, including how to use a lasercutter! It was awesome. As part of learning to use a lasercutter, I not only coded my first vornoid diagram (more details here - but I also made my first bracelet using canvas fabric […]